The Germander Speedwell

I have a special liking for thy flowers,
Germander Speedwell! Like to angels’ eyes
They seem to me; bluer than watchet skies
When most serene in Summer’s loveliest hours:
And all life long in Nature’s sylvan bowers, 5
From early childhood, till my hair is white
With frosts of three score Winters, my delight
Was greater than my muse’s feeble powers
Can e’er express, whene’er I met with thee.
I thank my God for ev’ry floral gem, 10
And for the joy I feel in loving them.
Though poor in purse, I hold the world in fee:
For none need e’er feel poor, despised, or dull,
Who truly loves the Good and Beautiful.
George Markham Tweddell
[Sonnets on Trees and Flowers, p. 16.] Also published in Hull Weekly
Express, Aug. 30, 1884. Texas Masonic Journal, Sept., 1886. Northern
Weekly Gazette, June 19th, 1897
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